Sunday, September 18, 2011

The speed of light

I can't believe that we've finished week 4 at work. Everything has seemed to speed up.It must be the economy - but my classes are going well with most of my students participating and engaged in the discussion.  It's not always like that. :-)

We have all been hit with colds this weekend. Everyone was in bed by 9 last night and slept 10+ hours.  Beth seems to have it the worst.

Beth has also grown a lot. None of her clothes fit. We're going to make it a mission to go through her drawers to see what fits, and then make a major shopping spree this afternoon.

Packers play at noon. Somehow we have to juggle the game with our shopping. Hopefully, we can get it done during half-time. Beth has embraced shopping, but not for long periods of time. AND only if we are shopping for her. If nothing else, I have a lunch meeting tomorrow by Kohls. Once we nail down her current size, I could stop after work tomorrow -  Help keep one industry alive for a family member.

Tim is out hunting - it is that time of year again.

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