Thursday, March 15, 2012

Skating Thru Time

We have been busy with Beth's ice show practice.  This weekend she will perform at three shows. She's pretty excited. We have rehearsal all night tonight and tomorrow night. The amount of work that was done on the set and costumes is incredible. Tim and I have been helping out and have been at the rink every night this week.  

I have also volunteered to do their website.  I have been having fun updating and putting on pictures. I'm thinking I'd like to be a webmaster in my next career choice.

Beth also got her new glasses yesterday. VERY cute.  The glasses are a sparkly, purple version of the Sarah Palin glasses.  I'll post a picture this weekend.

On a different note, there was a guy missing for the last two months. He was last seen around our subdivision. If you have seen the movie "Stand by Me" - you would understand why Tim and I were a little leery about our kids being down at Wazeecha.  Low and Behold, Andy and his friend went down there  -now that the weather is nice - and stumbled across the recovery of the body. At least he was bagged when they got down there.  Beth and I were leaving for show practice, so they waiting until we left before heading down. An hour earlier and they could have stumbled across the body.  ICK! - not something I want a couple of 13 year-olds to see. However, they thought it was a big adventure to be the first to know.

Beth and I were in Green Bay last Saturday for the Disney on Ice Treasures. We had great seats - right by the ice in the front row.   It was a great time. We went to the mall afterwards to shop - got her a new swim suit. Finished our trip at the chocolate store - YUMMY!

My spring break starts this weekend. I'll have a couple of days by myself to get the house back in order. Tim is going to take next Friday off because the kids start their spring break. Thinking of going to the Kalahri dry park. We're headed to Yogi Bear the following weekend. Then we'll be in to April - Easter, Brewer Game, Field Trips.  Fun stuff to look forward to!!!!

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